i have a xanga account! hahaha! i was a member since 2007 k! with 1 post :P
hahaha.i remember creating it when i was sec 4 & was facing alot of fuck up things in school. &all th post was private-d. but i end up deleting them.. & forgetting about th account. until today daryl added me in xanga! :)
hahaha..im thinking of switching to wordpress thou. but im still thinking about a new url.. my xanga one is xanga
payout,was alright. i suggested to work once a week to boss. before you scold me think of how am i gonna survive if i donte work for one whole month! :P
shopping with love on sat.honestly carn wait.
tmr will be work & meeting ym after lab stuff. :)wee!
__________________________________________________ Alright,heading down to fusion to get pay(:
i skipped psps &went for telesys tutorial. cam whore with Akie.
th lab is always frigging cold. throughout 2 hours shawn kept going...very cold.. &look what he did! cam shy ley..
damn flowchart ,my beauty sleep gone! everyone is snoring away,&im here, eyes closing ,stomach cramping like crazy. &still working on this stupid flowchart that is not even worth more than 10 percent (idk how much)
i want t pass my tmr's comprog quiz, assignment &labtest. so! even if i fail my proj i wonte fail comprog like again. yea ... ..
just trying t look at th bright side. hahaha. & i believe webapp wonte be entirely scrwed. Emaths one.. not very positive bout this.
i donte get it at all! i pass my Os maths with a B3 k. -.- i studied last min. &im stuck at emaths 1 .how very ridiculous. ):
all in all, im still hoping this sem pass soon. so i know whether to continue school or just leave TP.hahaha.
oh its 4 40 between. lessons start at 8.how to sleep now. args.
sometimes some things said by someone can make a big difference when it comes out from another. isit ...really?
one thing i hate about blogger is you can never go too detailed over some sensitive issues. &whats more, misinterpreting .
just Fyi, yours truly going on hiatus. sigh, im really really very sad.
donte go like..its just 200 dollars why so sad . i worked real hard for it ,think..sick &still enduring 9 hours of standing with just 1 hour break in between. rushing off for another job all th way till morning with just three hours of eyes shut &work again. till th next morning. ALL of it, FOR NOTHING.
some of you donte even have to work all you do is sleep at home slack go school and you get allowance every single day. why would you even understand.
hahaha..ohwell,thats just some lucky kid.
thats it. haitus till after cny perhaps longer. till i feel like it.ahahahaha..nonono .maybe after i get fusion pay i might blog again. so! keep checking this space if you still care!
ps: good luck to all taking Os result. especially to my dearest friend:) ___________________________________________________
Before i go offline for th rest of t day.. i have to blog about this.
bad luck somehow befall me. because a series of events proved so..
i dropped my cash cheque of $200 . i had a shortage of $11.60 &so i took out 8 dollars to make it 20. &i actually drop the 8 dollars. i left my phone at my workplace before i close & had t go back &take it.
jovial actually called UOB for me and ask what an be done. & apparently , it is possible to stop it,whats more today is sunday. meaning,bank isnt open for cash collecting or whatever.but th company still can stop th cheque. there isnt anything i can do now anyway..
im sorry Gfs, i was about to return y'all th money. until i lost it anyway. thats also why im so upset. if that was my own money i could have just let it be anyway. args.
thank you yibao for breakfast. thou i had t accompany you to admiralty than back to tpy .
now i have to go study my maths for tmr maths test. go do my reserch for webapp for tmr lesson flowchart due for comprog.
but still, filling up this white box have already been a habit of mine. hee
day was alright, at least i made it t school-.- on time. psps was just peer evaluating and playing some games. mr steven chan says i should write a complaint letter & ask him t sign. cuz th guys likes to bully me ): but that class is just soooo adorable .
telesys-.- one hour of lab test .. like shit sial, i got an F for telesys. &i studied! i think im gna take supp paper for this. :|
&netfund. if i donte fail my webapp ,emaths and comprog that is. if thats th case im save from being kicked out. if i fail either of this three.. then u wonte see me in TP anymore love):
nothing much, ym came & ate at Itas. then home. met up with sher & slacked for awhile.
tmr will be bah kut teh with sher! omg. we have been saying this since 2007! seriously!
& im sorry im not replying msn right now, cuz im installing something ,idk what either. haha so if sher or love happens t see this, sorry k!! :)
computer programming is scary.. :( i manage to pass my maths with a borderline result. which is not something anyone should be proud of. moreover im taking it th second time ): tsk. i think i will fail netfund. :( lol! i really hate that subject. die! i think if i donte go for lessons soon my group members are gna kick me out:P
sigh. overslept no school. went t RP today. ahahaha.. kenneth,mayb im going in with you after all. :P i want t go study hospitality there. but i failed my english-.-
anyway,gald today. at least one thing off my mind. thank you my dearest gf. you girls didnt even think twice lending me those cash. i donte know what i did to deserve people like you all. i really hope madeline msg me soon.):
ps: i want t get rid of my fleshhyy tighsss. any ideas? pls donte ask me go jogging. i donte want em t grow bigger! ): boo!
third day of unhappiness. its only th start of 2009!
Alot just told me buy a battery back &throw at his face. omfg! a missed call from passerby! :c
yea..i know no big deal t you people.. its just a battery, just return him his stuff and forget th whole thing. anyway,he gave up! :) ahahaha..
our message convo, i started with :i donte have it. HIM:so r u gonna give me back one or wad. ME:i donte intend to HIM: fine.will get it from ur mum den. 6251 ****. ME: wat a joke.ure telling me u carn afford a 20 dollars batt?c'mon man ,u a 20 plus want to be calculative with a 17 years old over a batt? HIM:Yeah tell your mum that ME: yea.like she give two fuck.so what if u tell her.
END. no calls from him to my house,&no more msg.
i donte want t go to th extreme. theres alot i can do, im just being kind.
before today, i tot that making others life miserable aint gonna make you feel any better. before today, i believed that treating a person th same way a person treat you just makes you equally evil.
Today, i believe that,life is unfair. so why admit/accept th fact & move on with it. shouldnt we do something so that it balance out abit. today i still think that making others life miserable aint gonna make me feel any happier, but at least th other party aint happy either.
i believe im a scopio at heart. if you know what i mean :)
i thank kenneth, someone who have no obligations to hear my stories yet still willing t . i thank my GFs,namely, joan,ym,angelyn &mab. for isulting him and etc. i thank yumin for her concerns. i thank ferris for his concerns, i will learn to quarrel till i donte cry anymore. :) i thank passerby for reading and replying my messages thou busy with NS.
" Hi,i got one nokia batt with u. i need to use it.when r u free to return me"
bad attitude. -ignored.
"Hi,i got one nokia batt with u. i need to use it.when r u free to return me.you ve got to reply me k. i need my things back."
hahaha. i shall see how patient this man can be. :P i doubt it wont be long before he lose his cool. ohwell. its just a lousy nokia charger. i pity that man. 4th msg today.
hee! yes! max, spam all th vulgarities! :P this man deserve it. arsehole.
Lesson learnt: never ever, dump me for another girl &let me catch you.ty. &of course never ever lend me stuff &expect me to return ;p
update: "I'm giving u till end of tmr to reply me,or i'll start calling ur hse to have my things back.i have ur hse no. "
like,does th batt worth so much. that he have to resort to this. pathetic boy.. im even ashame of blogging you out here & claiming youre an ex. you know, ashame....
no 1: KATHY KOH or what ever th name is. i barely know her! & yet she have th atrocity to borrow money from me! god knows whether shes gonna return me! maybe never since shes always urgently in need of cash.! &once i told her i am in some sort of financial crisis myself she didnt reply me. -.- some sort of friend she is. if youre wondering how i know her, she asked for my number. yes,& gave me hell lots of crap like her basketball coach fell in love with me at first sight.CRAP. and gosh,his love lasted less than aweek.for god sake, a 27 years old talking about love at first sight.grow up man uncle.
no 2: ALAN something something something.god,i even forget his name. ah! alan lim. yes,ass ex. fucking nbccb. his those type of guys who gives you stuff and ask for it back after breakup. fucking nieow i tell you. becuz of one fucking shirt i have to see his fucking lj face. like wtf la, its was just a singlet mind you, not even a shirt.i have to go meet him,&he have to give me a black face. &now! i have to bloody go think of when th fuck did he ever lent me his nokia battery. WTF! like how much can a fucking battary cost man,it's like model 6610? never seen a guy like this! i had borrowed and LOST passerby's sony errison's battary(oops) &did he say anything? i had borrowed & accidentally gave it to my dad (god know what he did) th phone Yb lent me & did he fucking nag at me to retun him. rawwrrr. seriously man, that guy can go bang wall and die sua. like dumping me becuz of another girl wayyyy fugly than me wasnt a huge insult to me already. eww! i think that girls blog is cursed or what, i was viewing her blog when he msged me. eww!EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!
mostly th money part. ): pspsps , let me get my pay by tmr.everything will be running smoothly. even if i have to starve or whatever it is,just let me settle my * first. wonder how am i gonna live if i quit working &focus on my study for one whole month.
anyway, ty tingting for accompanying me . i donte know why i ve got this gut feeling that she and daryl will still end up tgt. ohwell, none of my business. lols
payday is supposedly tomorrow. yay.
im not in good mood. im never in good mood when im broke! lol! &i swear, i shall learn to save. yes, i meant i swear to.
i was meddling with my falsies & i suddenly tot of a new url : madaboutfalsies.blogspot.com haha! im serious, my collection of falsies is insane k. i keep buying them cuz i carn find th one im looking for. & i can stick two layer of fake eyelashes! :P
ay,thats top secret ! hahaha! even th women doing my brows are amaze at my sticking skills k. i think i should change my ambition from air stewardess to stylist or make up artist. HAHA! i had asked a stylist whats isit like and all to be a stylist. & i think th fees alone is enuff to crush me ):
something random ,kenneth was over at fusion ytd. &he got me thinking..what if i really got kicked out of school?.privates are out, i donte think my family financial status allows. but,what are th options left? ): & im not just randomly think of what if i got kicked out of school. th percentage of me being kicked out is like 99.9999999999999999% lorh!
ohwell, damn tired now. should have just gone back to sleep!
today was a good day,oh,i meant ytd! haha! went t school for eGuides briefing .. & went out with joan♥,jingyuan(♥'s friend) & michelle.
so long since i last went out with on a fri with school mates. & michelle and i actually chat through th whole bus ride from pasir ris to bugis! (:
then..bah chor mee @ some coffe shop. i like! :) hahaha. went for work after that,& they played pool for a while. work ..nothing new. cept today was a little random.. i got jin qiang and friends to accompany me for closing:P haha! i carn close alone! no shit! i close at 6 btw.
first bus home! its 8am ):
ohwell,nights all! or morning! ahaha!
&oh,if you are free or anything,just listen to th song! haha! its really good! i never liked james blunt before,but this is different!
my first day of 2009 spent working. :) it was good thou,unlike fridays and saturdays where no people comes nowadays-.- i was running full house at 4.30am! scary.. &i was kept entertain by my DS lite :P
th last customer was th one that bought down my good mood ): firstly, they wasnt even 16 to begin with. so,i was reluctant to give them th 15% off then, they played a total 4 hours., &their bill was $51 they claim that they calculated &they have just enough to pay for th table after th 15%. which is crap! they have like 6 people altogether and they carn even folk out another 7$!? i swear this will be th last time i letting them in! im th one topping th 7 bucks for them k! rawr!
i have a total of shortage of 20$$!! when i remember i changed one customer wrongly i gave him 10$$ lesser change.
no matter how great/bad 2008 have been we should still look forward t a new year right! :) hee.
& this is a future post! HAHA! means actual date is 2008.12.29! :) cuz by th time this is posted i must be at work yea :P
anyway! some people who had made 2008 a great one! :)
YM!♥ for whatever reasons we used to hate each other,we must have been crazy! yes,i think i do dote on you alot! :D haha.i dote on all my GFs alot! i really hope 2009 will be good for you, you will get great results for Os and join me at TP ay:)
i know it hasnt been a smooth year for you. sometimes i really do feel helpless! girl,i wish i can help you,but you have to know how to help yourself first! &you know it, whatever happens you are not alone,have me aight!:)
TTYB! ♥ i just want t say im sorry i treat you bad despite you treating me so nice &all! you have been sucha good listener! esp th time when i was extremely down,i remembered,you were my only friend left! *touched* thou,i have came to know alot of friends in pool fusion,youre th only one that is my best friend k! PARTTIME! :)
Joan!♥ i was th weird girl who sat beside you but didnt want t talk to you! think,orientation! :) hahaha! attracted to you at first sight eh love! but too shy to talk to you! :P haha..i told you before,opposite attraction, youre crazy,im quiet, we click! you didnt believe in that initially didnt you?;)
passerby! ♥♥ two loves for you! :) i know youre worried you might be forgotten when youre in th army. but i wonte k! anyone might,but i wonte! i really hope 2010 come faster! (: then we can have our usual bah chor mee at ah hood garden. *misses* ps:i know th ** thing abit twit. :P psps: take great care pls. pspsps: sorry i had to kope this from your friendster:P becus i realize th only picture i had of you and i is abit overuse-d ;p ...i see someone smiling in front of th comp screen :D
&also my secondary school classmates who are being dearly missed by me. i wish we can meet up more often and hear Jesus VS Guan yin ma. loves!
&people like kenneth who had just made poly life slightly better than miserable. :P thanks man, & i want bah chor mee!
alright,now you guys should know how much you mean to me ay! i donte want t do wish and resolution shit,cuz i donte stick to them! :P